Willing. Not Wanting To.

We need to remember, however, that we can be willing to do something we don’t want to do. ~ The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous (Kindle Locations 872-873).

Willing to make amends,
to admit my fault, to make it right.
Willing. Prepared…can be eager,
inclined, amenable to, a volunteer
but can be dreading, hating the idea,
anxious, even terrified. But willing.
Knowing full well sometimes
the best way out is through.
And trusting our sponsor’s guidance,
ready to face the consequences,
knowing sometimes the piper
must be paid. But we made a decision.
A big one. We turned our will and our lives
over to the God of our understanding,
every day, one at a time, trusting.
And he is trustworthy,
he won’t lead us into a place
where he’s not there with us.