Volume Control

Constant auditory input all around,
we selectively let in some, ignore the rest,
mute some, open all the stops for few.

The committee, though, inside my head…
it’s not so easy to tune it, choose to hear,
opt out. Shame on you! What’s he thinking?
Do I look stupid to them all? The other voices,
though, seem to grow stronger, to blare over
the embarrassment, the fear, the anger.
What she thinks is none of my business.
Easy does it, one Step at a time.
Not my will but Yours.
And over time, the new guy crescendoes,
singing harmony with program thoughts.
Are these extravagant promises? We think not.
They are being fulfilled among us — 
sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.
They will always materialize if we work for them.



quotation from  Alcoholics Anonymous, page 84.