Then Try Even Harder

How do you help someone who is self-destructive, without destroying yourself at the same time? Do you keep trying and trying, and then try even harder, or do you stop trying? (Candace Kearns Reads)

Give up? Never!
I will try and try and try
try even harder
and die trying if need be.
Surely with that effort
victory will be mine.
To what end? To change people,
to carry the message,
do service, show the path…
What do you mean,
what if they don’t want to go?
Who would not? They just need me,
my help, my fixing the broken,
mending the hurt.
None of my business?
My trying is to dismiss God,
to substitute my own will?
They would refuse to change,
resisting my push
even when they would prefer it?
What should I do, just stop??