The Bridge of Reason

Some of us had already walked far over the Bridge of Reason toward the desired shore of faith. ~Alcoholics Anonymouspage 53

Reason has no substance, no load-bearing span.
But reason can bridge as a verb,
can bring minds together.
And reason can be the noun bridge
so long as it’s the conceptual kind,
connecting, reconciling, bringing minds together.
Limitations hinder, though, the bold explorer
cognitively striding it’s span,
for this metaphysical connection
cannot reconcile a single mind,
cannot harmonize a solo voice.
Fear not, though. This bridge of reason
unites the would-be pilgrim
with power greater, bolder, vaster
than mind can imagine. And Power
stands, watching, waiting, anticipating
the prodigal penitent
stepping forward,
anxious to receive the gracious gift
of faith.