Prisoner of Pride

Angry men are blind and foolish, for reason at such a time takes flight and, in her absence, wrath plunders all the riches of the intellect while the judgment remains the prisoner of its own pride. ~ Pietro Aretino (For Today, Kindle Locations 1418-1420)

Blind, foolish…”mad as Hell…
not going to take it anymore!”
Reason AWOL, sayonara, ta-ta.
Anger wins, unparalleled, supreme.
So there. I refuse to hide it, deny it,
quell it one twit. You tell me own my feelings,
don’t bury them, let them out.
Now you’re talking sense!
See what others have done, how they treat me,
how they trample on my needs, my plans?
They did this to me – on purpose, too!
I’m the victim here. Why don’t they apologize?
They could do that, should do much more!
I’ll get even. Just wait while I think,
while I sort it out.
But something’s amiss. My thoughts stick here,
in this morass. Let me out, set me free!
I want to lock them up, toss away the key.
So why does it feel like I’m confined,
in a cage? I can keep the anger.
But the pride demanding it ensnares me.