Peace on Earth

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. ~ Luke 2:14, American King James Version

War and rumors or war,
terrorism, agitation, dissension.
Where’s this promised peace on earth?
And who’s to get it? Is it really
“on earth peace, good will toward men”
or like other translations, peace
but to those God’s pleased with.
Why do they need peace? Aren’t they set,
aligned with the forces that be, at peace?
Or is it that God’s pleased when folks get it,
have that peace, accept it? Which is egg,
which chicken – which comes first?
Isn’t peace-capacity woven into our being
waiting for recognition, acceptance?
Isn’t God pleased when we get it, accept it?
He’s pleased with us then,
sorrowing for the rest, longing for all
to have peace – around the globe,
acceptance of the great gift of Christmas,
peace on earth in each life.

Pages 20-21