Pass the Blessings

Don’t decline to accept a blessing and deny someone the blessing of blessing you. ~ Jo Helen Cox

“No, thank you” requires no thought,
skips cognitive analysis completely.
I’ll do it myself. Five weeks and a day disabled,
one-handed, I find myself grinning when friends
tell strangers, “She can do it,” shaking their head,
knowing all too well the urge – and my response.
I’m trying to let go. Joan threatened me
if I stacked chairs and I didn’t disobey
to prove I could – just told Nita I’d carry boxes,
but didn’t. I let the sacker carry a few bags,
asked her to move the coat on the seat.
I accepted help with a zipper, asked to borrow a pen.
I’m trying to share the blessings. Truth be told,
I’m not so sure I can do it myself. Oh, the nuisances,
little dares, are just that – a game with myself.
But tomorrow a friend goes with me when I finally see
the damage I managed with a careless step.
And I’ll call folks who want to be, accept support,
feel the love. I’ll let people be with me despite distance,
I’m learning how. I’m learning to let friends be.
And fill old holes.
A Cloud of Witnesses