Maximum Service

 At the moment we are trying to put our lives in order. But this is not an end in itself. Our real purpose is to fit ourselves to be of maximum service to God and the people about us. (Alcoholics Anonymous, page 77)

It’s not about me. Even my recovery —
it’s not about me. What can I do to serve?
How can I help you, God?
What would you have me be?
My brothers and sisters, family of choice,
I offer my hand, my heart, my words, my past.
My family of birth and affiliation, my life is yours
not to change, not to pull me from program,
but to be of maximum service, for hope to spring
from change, from growth.
My brothers and sisters I’ve not yet met,
I serve by working the program,
keeping meetings going, holding out the promises
with results to speak of potential peace
here for the taking. For each of you,
it’s all about you until you can find
it’s not about you.