Entirely Ready

What does entirely ready mean? It means absolute trust. When it looks like God’s careening down the wrong path with your life, it means you resist the urge to grab the wheel. It means whatever is most precious to you – your reputation, your wealth, your family, your career, your abstinence, anything! – will not stand in the way of your blind obedience to God’s will. He has no obligation to show you the whys. ~ OAStepper, Slender Steps to Sanity

About those defects of character,
the ones I’ve said I was entirely ready
to leave behind. I really don’t want them.
I’d say I don’t want them back, but they’re here,
prominent again, because I’m back in the nursery
where they matured, ran rampant, seemed to be hope,
felt as safe as I could get. They salute at triggers pulled.
God, if you take them away, will you protect me?
You won’t do what I can do myself. Are you sure I can?
If you remove my crutch can I walk? Can I run?
Can I dance?
God, I’m entirely ready to do what I can
and to trust you to substitute what I need
for what I already threw away as ineffective.
God, you’ll have to lead in this dance.