
The tenth step begins with the word “continued,” our first clue that perseverance is about to become a key aspect of our recovery program. ~ The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous (Kindle Locations 963-964).

Daddy always said,
“There’s nothing new
and improved,”
but don’t we keep trying?
Enough of this meal plan.
It’s boring – I deserve a change.
I’m tired of reporting my food,
of weighing and measuring.
If I don’t know four ounces by sight
by now, there’s something wrong.
I’ve read all the “approved”
books – this one’s surely as good,
and it speaks to me.
They say, “More will be revealed”
so how will I know it if I don’t try
more ways of doing this?

Sigh. I know better. Boring is better
than bingeing. “What we really have
is a daily reprieve contingent
on the maintenance of our spiritual condition.”