Considering Yoda

“Do, or do not. There is no try.”
Was Yoda a Twelve-Stepper?
He was always aware of the Power,
the Force, greater than he.
Anonymity initiated his relationship
with Luke, though afterwards
he revealed himself, shared his strength.
He certainly had cause to resent
Darth Vader, formerly known
as Anakin, but he understood;
he did not trust Vader, did not give him power
over Yoda. Like Obi-Wan Yoda knew
Vader could not defeat him, could not win.
He knew the value of becoming centered,
of melding with the Force, of yielding,
of serving. With 900 years of recovery
Yoda continued sponsoring, sharing strength
aware some he sponsored relapsed,
knowing the bounteous promises for those
who walked the course, trusted the Force.
He understood fear, saw it in Anakin then Luke,
and led them to release their fear,
to learn who the Force would have them be.