An Addict’s Mind

I knew from that moment that I had an alcoholic mind. ~ Alcoholics Anonymous (Kindle Location 685)

I don’t want to be a normal eater.
I don’t want to wander through a buffet,
get three things, try a bite of each,
and declare myself full. No,
I want to live up to the dare, All you can eat!
I have other issues than food, being compulsive,
period. Fears, resentments, defects
run rampant, bopping up like rodents,
a constant game of Whack-a-mole.
It really is a disease, a dis-ease
an ailment and affliction,
making life unmanageable.
Yes, I’m an addict with an addict’s mind.
Thank goodness!
I wouldn’t want to miss out
on Recovery.