A Minor Detail

 As we go through the day we pause, when agitated or doubtful, and ask for the right thought or action. ~ Alcoholics Anonymous, page 87.

A pregnant pause, a break in conversation,
a normal element of dialogue, of interaction.
An ellipsis in life…
Who cares what others think? It’s not my business
what anyone perceives, but likely folk —
those few who actually notice —
assume searching for a proper word,
putting thoughts in order, pondering
the brilliance of the words just heard —
these account for the moment’s silence.
We know, though. We understand
a connection to surrender, recollection of role,
of Whose will controls, of awaiting power
to act in sync. The time of a deep breath,
a minor detail. What a difference, though,
in relationships, in serenity, in living
recovering lives.