Pushing the Boundaries

Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go. ~ T.S. Eliot

I’m here. See my work.
Read my books.
Examine me to depths
of my soul.

I’ve been here.
I’ve done good work.
Some read my books,
find them of value,
commend my deep honesty,
my soul.

I’m comfortable here
in my world. I feel tugged
outside, to the world,
to stand up, face to face,
and say, “I’m here.
See my work. Read my books.
Examine me to depths
of my soul.” I’m not
comfortable there.

But there, through the fear,
through the self-deprecation,
open to answers I don’t want to hear,
is where I must go now.
I’m frightened to depths
of my soul.