A Glimmer

Deep in the darkest recesses of the jungle called my mind a glimmer of a thought peeks cautiously out from under a log. There are scary beasts in the jungle, but that little thought will survive! ~ Diggy Bell

Murkiness entombed in gloom,
I hover inside, trembling,
craving anonymity, oblivion —
apathetic, without strength to budge,
to wonder what else exists.
Somewhere beyond, brilliance expands,
finally so tremendous a tinge,
a glimmer penetrates my leaden vault
troubling, agitating, an irritant
that cannot be ignored.
Persistent, steadfast, patient,
the glimmer becomes the norm,
acceptable, tolerable, all right.
Acceptance nourishes, brightens
the presence, enlightens without,
within, until I want to have hope.