Every Day

Hasn’t this been our greatest problem: truly committing ourselves to refraining from compulsive eating on an ongoing basis? …In Overeaters Anonymous we believe in abstaining from compulsive eating every day, one day at a time. ~ Voices of Recovery (Kindle Locations 2073-2076).

Truly committing.
I’m good at that.
I mean it…every time
I make the commitment…
one more time.
I mean it like I meant it
every time I started a diet,
a plan of eating, a regimen,
again. But I never got there,
never could succeed.
And now again I mean it.
every time, every day,
each time I commit again
one day at a time
but knowing that must be again
and again and again, each day,
every day. But the old patterns,
the old idea of diets,
still hold real estate in my head
and call me to old habits.
But OA calls, too. Power calls.
It’s not my recommitment
but giving up, surrendering,
each day every day
without considering
changing my mind.
