Radiating Love

St. Augustine taught: “Love and do what you will.” When love is in our hearts, all that we do radiates this love, and our will and God’s are experienced as one. ~ Kenneth Wapnick. Forgiveness and Jesus: The Meeting Place of ‘A Course in Miracles’ and Christianity (Kindle Locations 927-928). Kindle Edition.

Love God and do whatever you please:
for the soul trained in love to God
will do nothing to offend
the One who is Beloved.” ~ Saint Augustine
We have only two options to encounter people:
We can love them, even if we’ve never seen them
or we can react from fear which presents
as anger, as judgement, as accusations, as jealousy,
as feelings of inadequacy, and guilt.
As long as we don’t let the other person’s fear
switch our love to the negatives,
there’s no way out until one of us chooses love over fear
and we radiate this love, and our will
and God’s are experienced as one.
Only with one of us choosing love, radiating love.
Then for the soul trained in love to God
does nothing to offend
the One who is Beloved.
And the world finds peace.
Choose to radiate love. It’s yours
if you ask for it.