The Angel of God in Change

“I see the Angel of God in every change.” This is an affirmation that you should have written inside the cover of your pocketbook and also in some prominent place at home where you will often see it. It is one of the keys of a harmonious and progressive life. ~ Fox, Emmet. Find and Use Your Inner Power (p. 125). New Albany. Kindle Edition.

Do you use affirmations?
Daily affirmations are simple
positive statements
declaring specific goals in their completed states.
Such empowering mantras have profound effects
on the conscious and unconscious mind.
Do you see the Angel of God in every change?
Do you welcome change or fear it?
There’s no reason to fear change
when it’s controlled by God.
If you used this affirmation for the next week
do you believe it would lead to
harmonious and progressive life?
Are you willing to try?

Image Copyright : Iurii Kovalenko