Say It Until You Mean It.

No matter whether you feel like it or not, say it. Put it into words. Out of the depths of misery begin sincerely and earnestly to speak words of praise and thanksgiving, and soon you will find yourself involuntarily saying: “I fear no evil; for you are with me…. My cup overflows” (Ps. 23:4-5). ~ Cady, H. Emilie. Complete Works of H. Emilie Cady (Annotated) . Unity Books. Kindle Edition.

Give thanks to God,
praise Him,
express gratitude for blessings received.
When anger toward God,
resentments about life in general,
yours in particular would be easier,
keep up the praise. Is it not true
that if you do, the words will evolve
until what flows naturally
are the ancient truths
experienced in your life such as,
“I fear no evil; for you are with me….
My cup overflows.”
Isn’t that a more comfortable
status than the negativity
that would have flowed?
Thank God!!