Our Message

A lot of times we try to get people to believe who are not willing yet. This is something the individual has to do on his own; he has to go through his own suffering to become willing to change.

This is our message, and it is simple. Our responsibility is to carry the message—what others do with it is not our responsibility. Recovery comes through a vital spiritual experience as a result of these Steps. I think this is the only way to recovery. Our job is not someone else’s recovery; our job is simply to carry the message. ~ McQ, Joe. The Steps We Took (p. 139). August House. Kindle Edition.

Step 12. Having had a spiritual awakening
as the result of these Steps,
we tried to carry this message
to compulsive overeaters
and to practice these principles
in all our affairs.
Our job is simply to carry the simple message.
Our job is to Recover, and as we Recover
we acquire…no, we inherently have
the responsibility to pass it on to others who suffer
as we have suffered. When they are willing to accept
the marvelous gift of Recovery as we did before them,
they, too, have the message  with the responsibility
to to work the Steps to the point of a spiritual awakening,
then pass along the glorious bounty
of Recovery!