Learning by Heart

…learning by heart—so altogether different from learning by rote; for when we learn by heart we do not memorize the sound of words but let the images evoked by words brand our hearts like red-hot branding irons. May I continue to encounter poets and sages worthy thus to shape my imagination, my worldview, my God view, my heart’s landscape. ~ Steindl-Rast, David. 99 Blessings (p. 70). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

What words are branded on your heart?
I have a series of prayers I string together,
The Third Step Prayer, the Seventh Step,
the Serenity Prayer, and I put my hand
in yours…. After that I name family
those living and no longer here,
with people I know are needing
the hand of God. Sometimes I add affirmations…
and I shut up and listen…
I agree with Brother David, “May I continue
to encounter poets and sages
worthy thus to shape my imagination,
my worldview, my God view,
my heart’s landscape. ”
To God be the Glory!