Be an Agent for God

You are the agent of God at the place where you find yourself. You have reason, intuition, free will, and self-determination; and you can be a good and efficient agent, a poor agent, or a positive detriment, according to the way in which you conduct your life. ~ Fox, Emmet. Find and Use Your Inner Power (p. 203). New Albany. Kindle Edition.

What would an agent for God be?
There are agents? An agent
is defined as someone or something
that makes something happen.
A bee taking pollen from flower to flower
is an example of the bee,
an agent for pollination.
An agent secures and schedules performers.
An agent has authority to act for someone.
But why would Gos need an agent?
Why do we pray, “God, I offer myself to Thee –
to build with me and to do with me
as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self,
that I may better do Thy will.
Take away my difficulties,
that victory over them may bear witness
to those I would help of Thy Power,
Thy Love, and Thy Way of Life.”?
Is that not the words of offering to be
God’s agent”

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