And the Small Stuff

When we turn our lives over to our Higher Power, we trust Him to manage the master plan and to direct us in the small details of living each day. ~ L., Elisabeth. Food for Thought: Daily Meditations for Overeaters (Hazelden Meditations Book 1) . Hazelden Publishing. Kindle Edition.

We came through the doors
of the Rooms of Recovery
having often prayed for victory
over our obsessive lives
and knowing through the years
that wasn’t enough, that
years of trying and failing
meant we were doing something…
or more specifically everything…
wrong! But when we come to understand
that isn’t enough. When, finally,
we take Step Three, and choose
to turn our lives and our will
over to our Higher Power’s control…
when at long last we get it
When we stop thinking our little issue
could not matter to the Power In Charge,
when we understand like a grandparent,
no part of the “little” life registers as little,
and we understand God so loved the world
and each “little” life in it,
when we truly take Step Three
we’re not in charge, not at fault.
that we need only allow the Power Who Can
to win the game, then we understand
we’re not alone, never again need be,
we actually thrive through just being in the game
and taking direction as needed,
all is well in the world as we stay in the game!