Addicted to Distraction

…we are addicted to distraction, and therefore functioning with multiple stimulants at one time has become accepted and normalized so that it becomes difficult for us to question it. ~ Monique Rhodes

What distracts you?
I sit, intend on reading,
sitting in the room with husband
who reports on the webcams
he flits between. After a while
he turns on the TV
which he mutes as he talks on the phone
and I can talk to him if I tell him to mute first…
but the reading is falling by the wayside
and when I get too distracted I play a game
just “for sanity’s sake.”
So here I sit at 8:30 working on tomorrow’s Dose,
two of my fourteen readings yet unread,
the “morning’s “meditation to come
after the Dose and readings…
I am addicted to distraction,
functioning with multiple stimulants
at one time, a routine that has become
accepted and normalized and
difficult to question it.