Who Are You?

Let’s accept who we are in the moment so that we can become who we’d rather be in the next moment.

Casey , Karen. 52 Ways to Live the Course in Miracles: Cultivate a Simpler, Slower, More Love-Filled Life (Kindle Locations 225-226). Red Wheel Weiser. Kindle Edition.

I’m not a daughter of Queen Elizabeth II,
nor can I fly, nor are my other childhood
play-likes the truth. I’ve quit pretending…
not merely these childish fancies
but grown-up fancies as well.
I no longer need you to believe
I remember your name, nor the person
you mentioned. But as I stop pretending,
the habit of pretending I know
that which I don’t can be laid aside
and I can open my little world
to see value in each person
and, fear set aside that you’ll pity me
or think little of me for this failing,
and, accepting what I am,
I can actually become
the social participant who loves you enough
to remember who you are.
As I accept who I am in the moment
I can become who I’d rather be
in the very next moment.