Points of Commonality

What about the relationships in which we feel trapped? We can’t switch jobs, perhaps, or move to a new neighborhood. How can we tolerate the seemingly harmful relationships? The Course and our Teachers suggest we seek points of commonality with the people in those troubled relationships. They are there, we’re assured, or they wouldn’t be on our path. ~ Casey, Karen. Daily Meditations for Practicing The Course. Hazelden Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The country…the world…stands at odds.
The populace is OUTRAGED about anything,
everything! Fake news and controversy
as to who has the right to speak of lynchings…
Things accepted of those on the same side
are scandalous when applied to others.
How can we tolerate the seemingly harmful relationships?
Can it be so simple as seeking points of commonality?
In doing so, can we come to understand
the lesson before us? Think of someone
who irritates you. What is the lesson
they’re in your life so you can learn,
so you can grow? The lessons are there,
we’re assured, or they wouldn’t be on our path.

image copyright: Yael Weiss