Making Peace Peaceful

The mind can generate wondrous excuses to do something instead of just being open and present. The struggles that go on between being and doing can be awesome. Issues of control and willpower, surrender and defeat rage with all the drama of true spiritual warfare. ~ May, Gerald G. Addiction and Grace: Love and Spirituality in the Healing of Addictions (p. 89). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

Kevin DeYoung tells us,
“God is not a magic 8-ball
we shake up and peer into
whenever we have a decision to make.”
Yes, we look to God for guidance,
for seeing what it means to surrender,
for understanding just what happens
when we turn our will and our life over,
to examine which of my character defects
might be removed because it stands in the way
of my usefulness to God and my fellows.
We’re told we hear God’s directives
through sharing…that done by others
but our own as well.
What can we do? How do we get the message?
Be open and present. Love.
“Be still and know!”