God Cares

You need be neither careful nor careless; you need merely cast your cares upon Him because He careth for you. You are His care because He loves you. His Voice reminds you always that all hope is yours because of His care. You cannot choose to escape His care because that is not His Will, but you can choose to accept His care and use the infinite power of His care for all those He created by it. ~ Schucman, Dr. Helen. A Course in Miracles. Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition.

How do you feel in God’s presence?
That, of course, would be the full gamut,
all feelings ever..but when you’re present
with God, aware, conscious?
How do you feel in God’s presence?
You would choose to be careful mostly,
but would you ever opt for careless?
Doo you ever fully cast your cares on God?
God cares for you, for me, before we were,
beyond our comprehension, before…
It’s an old relationship, a kinship.
You can choose to accept His care
and use the infinite power of His care
for all those He created by it.
The original love relationship.