Missing My Vices

I don’t have any vices right now. It’s a very uncomfortable place to be. ~ Julie T

Is it possible to miss our vices?
After a while God has taken us up
and removed our defects of character
if they’re such they get in the way
of our usefulness to our Creator
or to my fellows…buddies…
acquaintances…people who see me,
know me, are looking to me as an exemplar
of Recovery. And which difficulties
would never be such an impediment?
Would it be Resentment, Anger,
Fear, Cowardice, Self pity,
Self justification, Self importance,
Egotism, Self condemnation, Guilt,
Lying, Evasiveness, Dishonesty?
What about Impatience, Hating,
False pride, Phoniness, Denial,
Jealousy, Envy, Laziness,
Procrastination (my favorite!),
Insincerity, Negative Thinking,
Immoral thinking, Perfectionism,
Intolerance,Criticizing, Loose Talk,
Gossip, Greed? Can I have any vices
that would never stand in the way
of my usefulness to God and my fellows?
I think not! When I don’t have any vices,
it’s a very uncomfortable place to be!