Free Passes not Available for the Asking

Spirituality is not measured by who you are, but by how you live. Sinning, and then asking God to forgive your sins, conveys an attitude of self-importance—that because you have reached out to God, you earn a “free pass.” ~ Dean, Amy E. Morning Light: A Book of Meditations to Begin Your Day (Kindle Locations 1185-1198). Hazelden Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The things that are done…piously!
I’ve held elective office, and I’ve been
church staff in three churches,
an active volunteer in others.
Political manipulation? The churches win…
hands down. John Wesley was a minister…
but changed when he felt his heart
strangely warmed. He told his brother,
“By a Christian I mean one who so believes in Christ
as that sin hath no more dominion over him;
and in this obvious sense of the word
I was not a Christian till May the 24th last past.”
It’s strange how many reach Recovery
proficient in scripture, liturgical history,
and the language of the church
to find in these rooms
a way of life that feels good, that is good,
that is how we want…and need…to live!