Where I Cannot See

Holy Spirit, shine your healing light on the areas I cannot see.  ~ The Overcomer’s Workbook, Monica P. and Megan F.

What can’t I see?
During the years
before Recovery
now, certainly.
the answer resounds.
What of residual blindness
all these years later?
What of habits, mannerisms
I see in others that infuriate me?
How often have I learned
they’re my traits as well?
Are you acting like your parent
but bitter they treated you that way?
Do you communicate you know more,
have more, are more than others?
Do you honestly think they agree?
Do you strive to control others
since you know the answers for them
as well as your own?
Chances are before Recovery
you believed yourself better
than the common folk,
or the opposite, at the bottom of the pile.
Do you still?
Are you co-dependent?
Do you let feelings
and actions of another
affect you to the point
you feel you’ve lost control
of your own life?
What can you now see
by praying “Holy Spirit,
shine your healing light
on the areas I cannot see.”