We Can’t Quit

Like compulsive overeaters, normal eaters will sometimes find pleasure and escape from life’s problems in excess food. Compulsive overeaters, however, often have an abnormal reaction when we overindulge. We can’t quit. A normal eater gets full and loses interest in food. We compulsive overeaters crave more. ~  The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous (Kindle Location 68-70).

Sure, we can’t quit eating when we first enter,
but it’s a difference continuing, establishing our course.
We can with help from a greater power,
with tools and understandings, with working the steps,
but no matter how well we l know…and honor…the program,
We Recovery People cannot stop, must keep on keeping on.
doing what we have been doing, for we remain powerless,
we still have unmanageable lives, and alone cannot hold the prize,
if we fail to remember, we can’t quit!!