Let Go of Victim Shame

Let go of victim shame. We have issues and tasks, but our issue is not to feel guilty and wrong because we have been victimized. ~ Melody Beattie, The Language of Letting Go: Hazelden Meditation Series (p. 354).

Who hurt you? Do you feel guilty
because you were ill-treated?
Why? Did you really do something wrong?
Probably not. How do you stop feeling shame?
Show yourself compassion.
Avoid focusing purely on the past.
Let go of the influences of others.
Cultivate mindfulness.
Embrace acceptance.
Love yourself as you would someone else
who had done what you actually did,
not the part that was imposed on you.
Extend a helping hand…
and accept those extended to you.
Surround yourself with positive social support…
like a Twelve Step community.