As Sick as Our Secrets

I dealt with my secrets,
fourth and fifth step stuff,
and now I’m free. But am I?
How many secrets can I have,
and do they stop when I’ve told them?
How big is a secret? Can it be a bite,
a crumb picked up absently
going past the platter
of that cake I used to love?
Is it limited to what people can see?
Of course not. But if I avoid telling
what I do in public, what I can sneak
and do, is that less a secret
because I could have been caught
but wasn’t? I heard a fellow say the other day
“I can’t spell, and I don’t want you to know
so I stand up here and tell you.”
That’s silly! If you don’t want me to know
then don’t tell me, and I’ll do the same.
We’ll both keep our secrets
and prove just how sick we can be.