Your God

But Ruth said, “Entreat me not to leave you or to return from following you; for where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God… (Ruth 1:16, RSV)
I have no god to call my own nor thoughts
of attributes I’d need to choose to make

my god. So should I start by casting lots?

Select endearing, needed traits to take
as elements required to plot a scheme,

a diagram of strength, my god remake?

I cannot vocalize my own heart’s dream
for truth be told I know no god design,

can’t feel the presence, dare to deem

my own creation now a deity.
Bill’s friend suggests we choose conceptions we

design, original to us, to be

recipient of our devotion’s plea.
And yet I can’t come up with such a thing.

And when I think of gods that would agree

with fuzzy thoughts of powers to whom I’d bring
my prayers, my hopes, my loyalty, my being,

I picture you as one whose life does sing

the song I crave, the god I need — so freeing.
I want the peace you have. The god you serve.

Your god I choose, adopt, embrace, believing

that such a god I’ll serve, without reserve.