The Worst Place

Truth! The worst place for me to be is stuck inside my head. ~ Christina S

Stuck inside my head. Been there, done that,
too many times, too many hours, too many years…
I don’t want to do it anymore. It’s the worst place to be.
How can I get out? Maybe I can try really really hard.
But that doesn’t work, it just makes it hurt.
Maybe I can decide not to be. Well, sometimes,
but not often. Maybe I can just wait. But how long
is long enough? Sometimes the hardest thing you can do
is pick up the telephone and call someone. Sometimes
the phone weighs ten thousand pounds. Sometimes
it takes all the courage you can muster. But it works.
It can even work if you have to leave a voice mail.
Because you’ve reached out, done something you cannot do
stuck inside your head. And it works.
Stuck inside my head. Been there, done that,
too many times, too many hours, too many years…
I don’t want to do it anymore. It’s the worst place to be.

bluefern / 123RF Stock Photo