


noun: stereognosis
  1. the mental perception of depth or three-dimensionality by the senses, usually in reference to the ability to perceive the form of solid objects by touch.

Stick your hand in a tub of dry macaroni —
the damaged hand, not the good one.
Feel around and pull out five one-inch blocks,
five poker chips and a marble.
Success is finding them and pulling them out
in less time than the time before…
How often do we grope below the goop,
the camouflage, the trivia, the decoys
to seek the detritus of our lives?
How do we recognize our character defects?
Can we feel the difference in fear and its cousin
faith? Or in justification and acceptance?
We have confused them for years!
Like lying snd honesty? We;ve abused those
for years.



