Precious Present

Be here, and remember to do it now, for thinking about being someplace else uses up your precious present moments. ~ Wayne Dyer, Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao 

Be here and remember to do it now.
To be here now. What other option is there?
There’s remembering a glorious past,
longing for it, pining for things before
or longing for a chance to go back to get even,
to change things so the present would be different.

Be here and remember to do it now.
To be here now. What other option is there?
To strive for the what if’s, the time that’s better,
addictions past, weight lost, having a better job,
being in a happy relationship, having acquired
sufficient objects to declare the game won,
the goal met.

Be here and remember to do it now.
To be here now. What other option is there?
Plenty of other options. Living in fantasy,
denying reality. Depending on the recognition
that others bestow to grant you importance,
significance, meaning. Living a fantasy life.
Existing now but with contempt, disdain, pain.

Be here and remember to do it now.
To be here now. What other option is there?
None worth exploring.timeflies