Power Within You

The power within you is far greater than the problem before you. ~ Elaine L’s sponsor

When I was young, well at least 55 years younger,
J. B. Phillips said, Your God Is Too Small.
Then he talked about a Resident Policeman,
Parental Hangovers, The Grand Old Man,
a Meek and Mild God..even the God-In-A-Box.
Lots of pale, weak, unreal gods who really were small.
But the folks he talked to had it wrong.
Their Gods were not too small, but instead
their perceptions of God were. For the real god
can’t be described as small although he’s inside
a quark rollicking around inside an atom
ricocheting off the protons and gluons.
But he’s so massive he’s not in the universe
but the universe is in him.
No matter how small our God may seem
he towers over our problems
like a supernova dwarfs a green pea.
And the problems we perceive as massive
rest well inside that pea.
