My Compass, My Guide

God teaches me this, and He is my compass, my guide. ~ Voices of Recovery (Kindle Location 978).

A compass shows my location
relative to cardinal positions,
to points, a role performed
more than two thousand years.
Can it be compared with a GPS?
Of course, they both perform
location finding, show directions.
But God as compass resonates
better than God the GPS,
for insisting I’m wrong,
interrupting, demanding,
nagging is not God’s way.
No, we need to seek him out,
to know where the power lies,
the one that draws the needle,
the one that draws our lives,
and we follow. It’s our choice,
our decision. We seek direction
each day, surrender our own ideas
with, “Not my will but yours.”
And obediently, keeping our eyes
and thoughts on the guiding symbol
we walk the path step by step,
day by day, and find our way home.
