In Wellness Here (II)

Come on in, we’re all in wellness here.
Wanting wellness. It’s what I’ve pursued all my life.
Am I willing to make the offer,
but unwilling to have the offer accepted?
Why? Mother told me what clothes to wear,
packed them so I’d know when she wasn’t there.
She chided me for what I ate, for clearing a formal table
and stacking plates! She still speaks in my head
Millennia ago Paul told wives to submit to husbands.
Isn’t there a statute of limitations? Why does he control?
Don’t tell me what to do! Don’t tell me,
Come on in, we’re all in wellness here.
You could say, should you care to join
you’re welcome here — if you choose wellness.
I wonder if I could get him to change the line.
But no. I need to change. To stop turning down
opportunities that appeal to me because it seems
I must cede control. I’m not governed by the invitation,
and I can accept or decline.
I could. If I were willing.
God, make me willing…or at least
willing to be willing…
