Elastic Time

Too full a month, a week, a day.
Things to do, lists to make to do all
the things to do. Twenty-four hours,
A thousand four hundred forty minutes,
Eighty-six thousand four hundred seconds,
all of them full, all committed, all spent
before they happen. Then the call.
What are you doing tomorrow?
He had an appointment, it’s a question
seldom ever asked. Therefore, important.
Nothing that can’t be dropped.
Waiting rooms, hospital smells,
hurry up, wait, answer these questions
at least sixteen times. Things to do
diminish, ease, aren’t really that important.
Three hundred seventy-two minutes,
forever long. Time stands still
and the things important emerge done,
the list is manageable in the new day’s light.
Elastic time. All will be done. Trust
that you can find elastic time.
