Back In Your Disease

One day as we discussed a difficult relationship problem, my sponsor said, “If you’re doing it to please him, you’re back in your disease.” ~ Voices of Recovery (Kindle Locations 784-785).

Okay. Her health professional says bottled water.
Her husband says tap water. A conundrum.
The former says my co-dependence started with parents,
continues with husband, that she has the right
to have opinions, to make decisions, to drink bottled water.
And if she does? She can say it’s part of her food plan
and he’ll rant about her cult. She can hide it from him
and feel like a cheat. She can say she prefers it
and have no answer to why. She can pull out the facts
from the Internet to justify it and he’ll rant…
about her cult, because everything has to be O.A.
She can work toward a compromise,
like filtering tap water. She can take the case of water
from the trunk of her car, put it on the floor of the pantry,
and let things be. Or she can really believe she has the right to decide
and let it be. What he thinks about her
is none of her business.
