God’s Love Persists

x So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it. ~ Hebrews 2:1 (NLT)

What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition. ~ Alcoholics Anonymous, Page 85

God’s love
We’re not cast off
for human frailties.
Obsession may recede
as truth prevails,
yet I’m not cured,
I’m not safe, I’m not home free —
for insidious insanity
innocuously intrudes
to pilfer peace,
to cast me back
on fear,
on doubt,
encased in guilt — when I neglect
to claim the peace

God, I seek a reprieve today,
I seek your peace,
your warm embrace
as I persist in hope.

A Cloud of Witnesses
From A Cloud of Witnesses – Two Big Books and Us