Signing Up or Showing Up

I was good at signing up. For weigh-and-pay,
for gym, for a brand new exercise device,
for any new gadget, for hypnotism, metal ear balls,
pills of all varieties, charts, dares, partners,
promises…I was good at signing up.
The closest I got was wedding preparation,
getting close for mine, still seventy too heavy
for a son’s. I signed up for recovery as well.
The difference was they didn’t ask what I weighed,
didn’t chide my mistakes, didn’t expect results,
just loved me, welcomed me, suggested Steps,
told me they had felt like me and didn’t any more.
I signed up like I was accustomed to.
So I stayed, I showed up, I did the work,
I provided service, I listened, I talked,
I read and I wrote. I didn’t merely sign up any more.
I showed up for duty, loving every minute…
or most of them. And growing from those that hurt.
