Remember Me

God chose common objects with a simple command. “Remember Me” each time you eat and drink your meals.~ Manuscript of CREATION’S PARABLES – GENESIS AND STANDARD SCIENCE, SUNG AS ONE by Jo Helen Cox

Jesus didn’t limit the words
to do “this” in remembrance.
He said do this as you eat.
He said do this as you drink.
He said to remember him.
And he gave thanks.
There’s a reason for saying grace
and not just to gain approval
of parents not at the table
with any regularity for many years.
There’s a reason for giving thanks
not just at the altar in church
but at the drive-through window,
in the restaurant, as you open
a lunchbox, when you stand
before the refrigerator
looking there for the help
you’ve never found there.
Remember him. Remember you.
Remember who you want to be,
how you decided to turn your life
and your will over to a Power who Can.
Remember, and eat then
what your body needs,
knowing where the answers are
and where they aren’t.
