No Scolding, No Weigh-Ins

They are neither judged nor scolded. There are no weigh-ins. They can share their past experiences, their present problems, and their hopes for the future with those who understand and support them and who speak their own language. ~ Overeaters Anonymous, Third Edition (Kindle Locations 2579-2581)

Welcome to tomorrow,
freedom from judgment,
from being singled out,
from getting a sticker
for losing a quarter pound
for the seventeenth time.
Welcome to recovery,
to sanity, to serenity,
to a program who welcomes all
who want to recover from eating
compulsively. Welcome to sharing,
to stories that could have come
from your own mouth.
Welcome to the loving arms
of the people who will become
your family of choice.
Welcome to Overeaters Anonymous.
Welcome home.