No Right Path

By trying to control others through manipulation and direct force, we had hurt our loved ones. When we tried to control ourselves, we wound up demoralized. Even when we succeeded, it wasn’t enough to make us happy. ~ The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous (Kindle Locations 106-108)

Can’t get there from here,
try to help others see right
and we’re rejected, scorned,
Can’t choose the right path
on our own. Get lost, lack perspective,
misheard directions,
lost our way, gave up
a few feet short of the goal
we couldn’t recognize.
Set out together to find it,
searched, re-planned,
modified, discussed pros,
cons, doubts but found it…
and no longer wanted it.

Need to start by listening,
by surrender, by being willing
and enjoying the journey
find ourselves there,
together, content, successful
without a struggle.
