
My friend had emphasized the absolute necessity of demonstrating these principles in all my affairs. Particularly was it imperative to work with others as he had worked with me. Faith without works was dead, he said. And how appallingly true for the alcoholic! ~ Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition (Kindle Locations 483-485)

It was…is…imperative
that I work with others
having my addiction
as others had worked with me.
What did others do for me
those first weeks after I told God,
This is stupid!?

Before I got to a meeting
I found an online group…
a food sponsor five states over…
a step sponsor in Israel…
people I could email
when I went to London
about good choices,
fear, physical pain…
a woman locally, one I knew,
who allowed her name
be listed as OA in my hometown…
the people in the room
at my first physical meeting
when I got a thirty-day chip…
people at intergroup
who trusted me,
in program a matter of weeks,
to represent them
at the next Assembly…

I’m sure it felt minimal
to all those saints,
but it mattered to ME.
And those simple kindnesses,
when I pass them on, can help
the newcomer…and me.

From OAStepper’s SLENDER STEPS TO SANITY describing how she got to the rooms of Overeaters Anonymous