Holy Hideaway

Pleasing people all day long,
seeing to your needs, ignoring mine.
Cooking, cleaning, errand running,
taxi driver, arbiter, beautician,
laundress, seamstress, teacher,
Jill-of-all-trades. I’m at your service,
here to please. The source of comfort,
shoulder to cry on, cheerleader,
companion, pal and friend…
I give all I can, happily, readily.
Yet the need to refuel, to renew,
to refresh I so often postpone,
ignore, fail to find time to do.
So I fail to serve you, to help you,
to support you until I internalize
what I would say to you…
Find the time, set aside a place
and visit your holy haven so often
you might actually please the people
you feel the need to people please.
